Incorporate a Private Limited Company (Sdn Bhd)

Features of Private Limited Company

  1. An individual or a company, whether local or foreign, can be the owner (shareholder) of a Private Limited Company.
  2. It is a separate legal entity, therefore:
    1. The shareholder’s liability is restricted to the share(s) subscribed;
    2. It can sue or be sued in its name;
    3. It can acquire and hold property in its name;
    4. It can have a common seal in its name;
    5. It may do any other legal activities in its name.
  3. There must be at least 1 shareholders and shall not exceed 50 shareholders.
  4. There must be at least 1 directors appointed to run the business for the shareholder, however, the shareholder can be appointed as the director simultaneously.

2. Requirements of setting-up a Private Limited Company (Sdn Bhd)

  1. There must be at least 1 director and 1 secretary, who are ordinarily residents in Malaysia.
  2. The company must have a registered office address in Malaysia.
  3. The minimum paid-up share capital is RM1 (ie minimum 1 shareholder, can be individual or body corporate).
No Events Hours
1 We will do a name search based on the proposed Company name(s) provided with SSM Malaysia 1
2 We will prepare all the necessary Company Incorporation documents once SSM approved the name search 3
3 The directors & shareholder will signed & executed all Incorporation Documents in the presence of the Company Secretary at our premises. 1
4 We will submit all the Incorporation Documents to SSM 1
5 SSM will issue a notice of incorporation 2
Total Hours required 8
Equivalent to 1 working days

Note: The above timetable is assuming all documents & information are provided by the promoter(s).  This does not included any delay caused by SSM MYCOID systems .

Form or incorporate a Private Limited Company (Sdn Bhd) with us now at RM1,800 onwards*.
*Term & Conditions Apply

Accounting & Bookkeeping Services

Section 245 of the Malaysia Companies Act, 1967 requires every company and the directors and managers thereof to keep such accounting and other records that would enable true and fair profit and loss accounts and balance sheets to be prepared from time to time. These accounts must be prepared in accordance with the approved accounting standards.

We are consists of a group of dynamic Accountants with extensive knowledge and experience. We have managed to develop a revolutionary way to compile and collate accounting information to produce sets of accounts with the least possible usage of resources. Our professionals have improvised a customized IT software and Workflow Management System to cater for the various needs of existing and newly set-up companies.

What We Can Provide

A .Standard

  1. Basic book keeping
  2. General Ledger Maintenance
  3. Bank Reconciliation
  4. Fixed Assets Ledger Maintenance
  5. Financial Statements & Reports

B. Optional

  1. Monthly, Quarterly, Year-End Review
  2. Preparing of schedules for audit and reconciliation
  3. Accounts Payable & Receivable Ledger Maintenance
  4. Fixed Assets Ledger Maintenance
  5. Payroll services

How are we able to offer competitive prices while maintaining quality?

  • We are able to perform bookkeeping services with the least possible documents involved by scanning all the documents provided. As such, this reduces a significant amount of time in going through piles of documents.
  • We deliver all our reports in soft copy form.  This reduces courier and other administrative costs, while still providing easy access to the reports at all times.
  • We provide a detailed assignment status report with appropriate advice at the completion of each task. This will provide insight on the accounts and any necessary actions required.

At BMI, we believe that every client is unique and deserves support specific to your needs. Call us to discuss further on how we can help you manage your accounts.


Goods and Service Tax (GST), similar to the Value Added Tax (VAT) in many countries are implemented in Malaysia on 1st April 2015. GST is currently at 6%. A supplier of goods and/or services, whose annual revenue exceeds or is likely to exceed RM500,000.00 , is required to register with the Royal Malaysia of Customs Department (RMCD).

All business transactions revolve around GST that constantly change with updates in the relevant laws. Without proper advice or guidance in GST related matters, Company may face difficulty that may affect their day to day operations. Hence Company having proper advice or training from qualified GST Agents are the upmost importance.

All our GST specialist have passed the GST exams conducted by RMCD and have various industry experience during the GST Implementation period.

What We Can Provide

  1. GST Registration
  2. GST Accounting
  3. GST Submission
  4. GST Implementation Study
  5. GST Review
  6. GST Training
  7. GST Advisory

Call us to discuss further on how we can help you manage your GST matters.

Tax Advisory Services

In today’s increasing complex and interconnected business environment, it is of paramount importance that Companies stay abreast for fast-changing and dynamic tax-related legal and regulatory requirements. Hence, it is crucial for companies to engage professional and efficient tax advisers for their services in advising on how to deal with these changes and updates.

What We Offer

  1. Tax Consulting & Planning (such as Optimization of Company or Personal Profit by minimizing the Taxation)
  2. Corporate and Personal income tax computations
  3. Filing and submission for Form C (Corporate), Form B (Personal – Business Income),Form BE (Personal – Salary Income), Form P(Partnership) & others.
  4. Attend to LHDN queries on Corporate & Personal tax issues
  5. Application for release letter from LHDN for suWession of form C for dormant company
  6. Estimated chargeable income for company by filling the Form CP204 promptly.
  7. Follow up closely with LHDN to get the Tax Refund.
  8. Attend to any LHDN Tax Audit Matters
  9. Others Tax related matters.

How are we able to offer competitive prices while maintaining quality?

  1. Our experienced tax professionals are able to analyze and plan a job efficiently in order to eradicate any idle time.
  2. We have established procedures that allow the job to be tracked and monitored closely, in order to avoid repetitive work.
  3. Our fees are customized to allow greater flexibility.

Call or email us to discuss further on how we can help you manage your tax planning.